Schema reference

The Keel schema is a DSL used to define data models, actions, permissions, and other components that are transformed into APIs and project infrastructure. It allows you to specify the structure and behavior of your application's data and operations in a concise and readable manner.

A Keel schema (one or many .keel files) is composed of declarations:

Each declaration begins with a keyword (model, enum, message, role, api, job) followed by a name and a block defining its contents.

keyword EntityName {
	// ..

Comments in Keel DSL use the // syntax for single-line comments.


Models represent data structures in your application. They can have fields, actions, and permissions.

model ModelName {
    // Sections: fields, actions


Fields define the data properties of a model.

fields {
    fieldName FieldType [modifiers] [attributes]
  • fieldName: The name of the field.
  • FieldType: The data type of the field.
  • Modifiers:
    • []: Indicates the field is an array (repeated).
    • ?: Indicates the field is optional.
  • Attributes: Additional metadata for the field, defined using attributes.

Field types

Built-in scalar types:

Field TypeDescription
IDA unique identifier (KSUID)
TextA string
NumberAn integer
DecimalA decimal number
DateA date without time (ISO 8601 format)
DurationA time interval (ISO 8601 format)
TimestampA UTC timestamp
BooleanA boolean value (true or false)
SecretAn encrypted secret
PasswordA hashed password
MarkdownRich text in Markdown format
VectorA vector type
FileA file input, supplied as a data URL

You can also use other models or enums as field types.


fields {
    name Text
    rating Number?
    tags Text[]
    books Book[]


Actions define operations that can be performed on the model.

Standard actions

Standard actions are actions where Keel handles the implementations. The functionality can be extended using hooks.

actions {
    actionType actionName(readFields) [with (writeFields)] [attributes]
actionTypeThe type of action: get, create, update, delete, or list
actionNameGlobally unique name of the action (e.g., createPost, updateUser)
readFieldsComma-separated list of model fields or custom parameter used for selecting the entry
writeFieldsComma-separated list of model fields or custom parameter to write
attributesAdditional controls for the behavior of the action

Supported attributes


Custom parameter
For write actions, you can specify custom fields that are not part of the model with the syntax fieldName: FieldType. These fields must then be used as part of a @set or @where:

actions {
    update updatePost(id) with (customInput: Text) {
        @set(title = customInput)

Custom actions

Custom actions are actions where you define the implementation. Either as a read function that returns data or a write function that modifies data.

actions {
    actionType actionName(readFields) returns (returnTypes) [attributes]
actionTypeThe type of action: read, write
actionNameGlobally unique name of the action (e.g., createPost, updateUser)
readFieldsComma-separated list of model fields or message to use as inputs
returnTypesMessage to use as output
attributesAdditional controls for the behavior of the action

Supported attributes


N.B. @permission expressions can't use row-based data for custom actions. For row based permission checked, handle the logic within the function.


actions {
    create createAuthor(name) @function
    get getAuthor(id) 
    list listAuthors() {
        @sortable(firstName, surname)
        @orderBy(firstName: asc, surname: desc)
    read getExternalAuthor(extId: Text) returns (GetAuthorResponse) 
	write processAuthor(id) returns (GetAuthorResponse)
message GetAuthorResponse {
    name Text
message GetAuthorResponse {
    authorId ID


Attributes provide metadata and additional behavior to models, fields, and actions. They are denoted using the @ symbol, followed by the attribute name and optional arguments.


Attributes can be applied to fields, actions, or models.



Defines access control for actions or models. It specifies which roles have access and can include expressions for conditional permissions.


    roles: [Role1, Role2, ...],
    actions: [actionType1, actionType2, ...],
    expression: <condition>
  • roles: A list of roles granted access.
  • actions: A list of action types the permission applies to (get, list, create, update, delete).
  • expression: An optional logical condition that must be met for the permission to be granted.

Multiple @permission attributes can be applied to the same action or model and will be evaluated as a logical or.

If a permission is defined on an individual action, it will replace any permissions defined for that action type on the model.


    roles: [Admin],
    actions: [create, update, delete]

Row-based permissions:

    expression: employee.isActive == true && employee.department == "HR",
    actions: [update]

Note: In row-based permissions, you can reference model fields and compare them to static values or context variables.

For more information see permissions.


Ensures that the field's value is unique across all records in the model. This attribute is applied to fields within a model or on the modal for compound unique constraints.


fields {
	username Text {
modal User {
    fields {
        username Text 
		email Text 
	@unique([username, email])

Permissions specificity

model Post {
  fields {
	name Text
    author Author
	owner Identity
  actions {
	update updatePost(id) with (name)
	update updatePostAuthor(id) with (author) {
		// This will override the model level permission
		@permission(expression: post.owner == ctx.identity)
    expression: == ctx.identity,
    actions: [update]


Marks a standard action as a function, this exposes action hooks where you can extend the functionality.


actions {
    create createAuthor(name) @function


The @orderBy attribute specifies default ordering for list actions. You can define multiple fields and specify the sort direction (asc for ascending or desc for descending).


actions {
    list listItems() {
        @orderBy(price: asc, createdAt: desc)


The @sortable attribute specifies fields that can be used for sorting in list actions. Clients can sort results by these fields when making queries.


actions {
    list listProducts() {
        @sortable(name, price, rating)


Defines event subscribers for models based on the action type.


@on([actionType], functionName)

Run keel generate to scaffold the subscriber function.


model User {
	@on([create], sendWelcomeEmail)
	@on([create, update, delete], syncUsersWithExternalSystem)


Embedding specifies related models to include in the JSON and RPC api responses for get or list actions. This is useful for fetching associated data in a single query. Can be used multiple times to embed multiple fields and can also embed multiple levels deep.


actions {
    get getOrder(id) {
    list listOrders() {


If you need multiple relationships between the same two models, then you will need to explicitly specify to which fields each of the relationships join with. This is done using the @relation attribute.


model Post {
  fields {
    writtenBy Author @relation(written)
    reviewedBy Author @relation(reviewed)
model Author {
  fields {
    written Post[] 
    reviewed Post[] 

Note that @relation is only valid on the has one side of the relationship.


Sets a default value for a field when a new record is created. Using @default without arguments will default to empty value of the field type.

Data TypeEmpty Value
Text"" (empty string)
TimestampCurrent timestamp
DateCurrent date
IDAuto-generated KSUID


fields {
    isActive Boolean @default(true)
    createdAt DateTime @default


Adds conditions to actions to filter data based on specified criteria. Applicable to get, list, update, and delete actions.


actions {
    list listActiveUsers() {
        @where(user.isActive == true)
    update deactivateUser(id) {
        @where(user.isActive == true) // Will 404 if user is not active
        @set(user.isActive = false)


Assigns values to fields during create or update actions. You can set fields to static values, input variables, or expressions.


actions {
    create createPost(title) {
        @set(post.status = "draft")
        @set(post.createdAt =
        @set( = ctx.identity)
    update publishPost(id) {
        @set(post.status = "published")
        @set(post.publishedAt =

Note: You can also use @set with custom input fields not defined in the model.

Example with custom input:

actions {
    create createEvent() with (startTime: Timestamp, duration: Number) {
        @set(event.startTime = startTime)
        @set(event.endTime = startTime + duration * durationUnit)


Schedules a job to run at specific intervals. The argument is a cron expression or natural language description that defines the schedule. More information on the scheduling expressions can be found here.


job EmailNewCustomerReport {
  @schedule("every monday at 9am")


Enums define a set of named constant values.

enum EnumName {
    // ...


enum Planet {


Messages define custom input and output types for actions. They are especially useful when defining custom functions.

message MessageName {
    fieldName FieldType [modifiers]
    // ...

Messages can be nested to define more complex structures.

message MessageName {
    fieldName FieldType
	messageField OtherMessage
    // ..
message OtherMessage {
    fieldName FieldType
    // ...


message MyInput {
    id ID
message MyOutput {
    name Text?
message Book {
    name Text
message AuthorAndBooks {
    name Text
	books Book[]


Roles define access permissions based on domains or specific emails.

role RoleName {
    domains {
    emails {


role Admin {
    domains {
    emails {


Jobs define background tasks that can either be scheduled or triggered manually via the console (or both). More information on jobs can be found here.

job JobName {
	// Inputs can only be used with manual jobs
    inputs {
        inputName InputType [modifiers]
        // ...
	@permission(expression: <condition>) 


job DailyReport {
     @schedule("every monday at 9am")
job ManualImport {
    inputs {
        json Text
        dryRun Boolean?
    @permission(roles: [Developer])


APIs define how models and their actions are exposed. By default there is an api called API which contains all the models. Additional APIs can be defined or the default API can be redefined and manually controlled.

api ApiName {
    models {
        ModelName {
			// Optionally filter the actions
            actions {
                // ...
        // ...


api Web {
    models {
		Product {
			actions {
api Admin {
    models {


Expressions are used within attributes and other constructs to define conditions, default values, etc.

Expressions support logical and comparison operations:

  • @where, @permission and @set operators: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, in, !, &&, ||, =
  • @computed operators: Same as above with the addition of +, -, *, /
  • @computed aggregate functions: SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, MEDIAN, COUNT
  • Values: Literals (true, false, null, numbers, strings), identifiers, arrays.
  • Parentheses: Used for grouping, e.g., (a == b) and (c > d)