0.369 (20 Oct 2023)

20 October, 2023

These changes have been released with version 0.369 of the CLI.


We are excited to announce the release of Keel 0.369. This update brings some new features and bug fixes aimed at enhancing developer experience and productivity with Keel.

⚒️New Features and Bug Fixes

@set Support for Backlinks, Relationships, and Nested Data Creation

  • Introduced @set support for context backlinks on both create and update operations.
  • Full relationship traversal is now supported on both create and update operations.
  • Nested data creation is supported, including for repeated associations.

Data Migration Using @default Attribute

  • Introduced a way to update existing rows with the value in the @default attribute during migrations.
  • Auditing and events are now correctly performed during migrations.
  • Improved migration error messages for better clarity.
  • Enhanced migration SQL generation and apply steps tracing.

Expression Support for Unique Relationship Lookups and Model Operands

  • Relationships in expressions are now considered for uniqueness.
  • Support added for the RHS of a in or not in when it's the many side of a relationship and the operand is a model.

Enhanced Support for Model Operands in Expressions

  • Improved support for using model operands in expressions.
  • Fixed a bug in expressions with not in and relationships.

Backlinks, One-to-One Relationships, and Validation Improvements

  • Introduced backlinks support, providing functionality, flexibility, and ease to the Keel schema.
  • Added support for one-to-one relationships on both sides.
  • Fixed multiple bugs related to multiple relationships between models.
  • Consolidated and improved relationship schema validations.

Relationship Validation Improvements

  • Fixed a case when combining a single-sided relationship (1:1 and 1:M) with dual-sided relationships.
  • Enhanced validation messages in context, message, and written style.

Keel Client Fixes

  • Resolved an issue with the client not handling action types correctly.

Keel CLI Version Command Changes

  • Removed the keel version command.
  • Introduced keel -v or keel --version as a replacement.

For any issues or feedback, please visit the support channel on our community discord (opens in a new tab) or contact us at help@keel.so.

Thank you for using Keel!