
The Keel File model field type provides an easy and managed way to create, store and read files in your Keel application. As with any field type, it can be used in models, actions, functions, jobs, subscriber functions and with the generated client.

Take the schema below for example. Here we have defined a Product model which has two properties; its title and an image file field which would, presumably, store an image of the product.

model Product {
    fields {
        title Text
        image File
    actions {
        get getProduct(id)   
        create createProduct() with (title, image)

At present, files cannot exceed 4MB in size, however there is no constraint on files type.

API inputs

When used as an input, files must be passed as data URLs (opens in a new tab). This data URL must also include a name parameter which stipulates the file name for the file. e.g. data:image/png;name=product.png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUg.....

// POST /api/json/createProduct
  "title: "Running shoes",
  "csv": "data:image/png;name=product.png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUg....."


When an API response of an action or function includes the File type (i.e. it might form part of the model being returned or defined in the custom function message), the format in which it is returned is as follows:

  "title": "Running shoes",
  "image": {
    "key": "2k724tpxBenRVdYI8iwao1hYUtt",
    "filename": "product.png",
    "contentType": "image/png",
    "size": 153225,
    "url": ""

The url field provides a short-term presigned URL for the file which expires after 60 minutes. This URL is regenerated each time a file response is returned.

When developing your applications locally with the Keel CLI, the url response field will not contain a URL but rather a Data URL.

The key field is a unique identifier used by Keel to store and locate file data internally and can be ignored for most use cases.


Keel provides a File TypeScript class in the functions runtime and full Model API support for reading and writing files, which means that they can be used in read and write custom functions, action hooks, jobs and subscriber functions.

The File class allows you to read files in functions. For example, this may be useful for importing bulk data from a CSV file. See the code sample below.

model User {
    fields {
        name Text
    actions {
        write importBulk(csv: File) returns (Any)

It is also possible to construct a new file from scratch within your function, to either be stored or just returned from the API. The example below does both.

model User {
    fields {
        name Text
    actions {
        write exportBulk(Any) returns (ExportedUsersMessage)
message ExportedUsersMessage {
    csv File

Files can also be manually stored before writing them to your database using This can be useful if you want to multiple models to reference a single stored file (instead of writing the file multiple times).


File fields are stored as a jsonb column type in the database as shown in the example below.

    filename: "product.png",
    contentType: "image/png",
    size: 153225,
    key: "2k724tpxBenRVdYI8iwao1hYUtt"

In the hosted environments, Keel securely stores files in a dedicated AWS S3 bucket provisioned just for your environment. Access to this bucket can only be achieved using the Keel platform.

The Keel CLI does not leverage AWS for storing files, and instead will store files in the database table keel_storage. Please note that this table does not exist in hosted environments.