
Events and subscribers provide the ability to asynchronously execute code when an event is triggered in your application.

Keel currently supports three types of events at the model level; create, update and delete events. These events are fired when a model undergoes the relevant mutation; whether it be due to an action or from using the Model API (opens in a new tab) in a job, hook, custom function, or even in a subscriber.

These event types can be configured to execute a subscriber. Similar to jobs, subscribers are TypeScript functions which you provide your own implementation for. This means you can write custom code to respond to events that are triggered while your application is running.

The execution of a subscriber function (in response to an event) happens asynchronously. This means that the subscriber function will run after the execution of the action or function which triggered it.

Subscribing to events

Keel provides you the convenience of being able to subscribe to events with the @on attribute. Take the following schema as an example.

model Member {
  fields {
    name Text
    email Text
    emailVerified Boolean @default(false)
  actions {
    create createMember() with (name, email)
    update updateEmail(id) with (email) {
        @set(member.emailVerified = false)
  @on([create, update], verifyEmail)

Here we have subscribed to the create and update event types on the Member model. When either of these events are fired, the verifyEmail function will be executed.

Note that a subscriber function can respond to any number of event types, even those from a different model. Furthermore, an event can be listened to by any number of subscribers.

Events are only fired after the completion of the action or function that triggered it. For example, a job might perform many mutations, but the events will only fire after the job has completed.

Subscriber functions

Subscriber functions defined in your schema, such as with verifyEmail in the above example, need to be implemented in a directory called ./subscribers.

Running keel generate with the CLI will create this file for you. The code generated for the verifyEmail subscriber function will look like this:

import { VerifyEmail } from "@teamkeel/sdk";
export default VerifyEmail(async (ctx, event) => {
  // your code here


Subscriber functions receive two arguments, namely:

  • ctx - a context object which contains environment variables and secrets
  • event - the details of the event that occurred, including a payload of the mutated model

Continuing with our example, if a create event type is triggered on the Member model, the following TypeScript definition of the event argument in the subscriber function would be generated:

export interface MemberCreatedEvent = {
  // The unique name of this event, as a string literal
  eventName: "member.created"
  // The timestamp at which the event occured
  occurredAt: DateTime,
  // The identity that triggered the event, if any
  identityId?: string,
  // The targeted model which was mutated
  target: {
     // The id of the mutated model
     id: string,
     // The name of the model type
     type: "Member",
     // The model's data at the time of the event
     data: Member
     // The model's data before the mutation which caused this event
     previousData: Member

The property provides the full model's data to the subscriber function. Take note of how the value of the data property differs based on the event type:

  • create - provides the newly persisted model
  • update - provides the persisted model after it has been updated
  • delete - provides the model at the time it was deleted

The property provides the full model's data before the mutation which caused the event. This is only available on update and delete event types.

Discerning between events

Because a subscriber function can respond to various types of events, you will likely need a way to discriminate between these event types within the code of your function.

The event argument is a union type (opens in a new tab) and the eventName property is a string literal type (opens in a new tab). These bits of TypeScript magic let us safely switch across the different event types.

Below we demonstrate this by providing an example implementation for the verifyEmail subscriber function.

import { VerifyEmail } from "@teamkeel/sdk";
export default VerifyEmail(async (ctx, event) => {
  switch (event.eventName) {
    case "member.created":
      // Welcome member and verify their email address.
      await sendWelcomeMail(;
    case "member.updated":
      // Verify their email address if it was changed.
      if (! {
        await sendVerifyMail(;

Failed subscribers

An exception thrown in your subscriber function will not cause the action, job, or whatever call that triggered the event, to fail. Therefore, subscribers will fail silently. You can, however, discover failed subscriber functions by inspecting trace data in the Keel console.

Also note that a failure in one subscriber function will not stop other events from being processed.

If a subscriber function fails to execute, then the event will return to the queue and will be reprocessed again after 80 seconds. Executing a subscriber function will undergo three attempts, after which the event will be deleted.

Events will fire regardless of whether the action or function that triggered the event succeeds or fails. It all depends on what changes eventually persisted in the database. When a rollback occurs, due to some failure in a write custom function, for example, then no events will fire because no changes would have been committed.

Event chaining

Because a subscriber function is able to mutate data using the Model API, it is therefore also able to trigger events itself. This makes it possible to create a chain of events, which is a powerful feature of events and subscribers.

However, this also makes it possible to end up with an unintentional never-ending circuit of execution of events. In order to protect you from run-away executions like this, which could be very costly, we have introduced a depth limit of 15 for event chaining.


The following table lists the current limits and quotas for events and subscribers.

Maximum subscriber function execution time70 seconds
Maximum number of concurrently executing events10
Number of execution attempts for a failing subscriber function3 attempts
Backoff duration betweeen retry attempts80 seconds
Event chain depth limit15
Maximum event message size256 kB


Events could form a crucial part of your application, and so Keel has made it possible for you to test their behaviour by providing support for events and subscribers in tests.

Events in tests are synchronous. This means that you can always expect all subscriber functions to have completed executing before your action or function call returns. This makes testing events easier.

import { actions, models } from "@teamkeel/testing";
import { test, expect } from "vitest";
test("Email is verified on member creation", async () => {
  // This will trigger a create event and execute the verifyEmail subscriber function
  const member = await actions.createMember({ name: "Mary", "" })
  // Check that emailVerified was set to true by the verifyEmail subscriber function
  const updated = await models.members.findOne({ id: });

It is also possible to simply run your subscriber function directly, without the need to trigger an event. This is a useful way to isolate and test just the function's implementation.

import { subscribers, models } from "@teamkeel/testing";
import { test, expect } from "vitest";
test("verifyEmail subscriber", async () => {
  const member = await actions.createMember({ name: "Mary", "" })
  // The event that will be passed into the subscriber function
  const event = {
    eventName: "member.created" as const,
    occurredAt: new Date(),
    target: {
      type: "Member",
      data: member,
  // Execute the subscriber function
  await subscribers.verifyEmail(event);
  // Check that emailVerified was set to true by the verifyEmail subscriber function
  const updated = await models.members.findOne({ id: });