Keel + Nuxt

In this guide, you'll learn how to set up a Keel-powered Nuxt application.

Create Nuxt project

Create a Nuxt project by running the command below:

npx nuxi@latest init nuxt-guide

On running the command, you'll have to answer a few questions. Answer them as shown below:

Which package manager would you like to use? <npm>
Initialize git repository? <Yes>

After completing this step, you should have a nuxt-guide directory containing the Nuxt project. Now, navigate to that directory with the command below.

cd nuxt-guide

Build your backend with Keel

Keel utilizes a schema-driven approach to application development. This implies that all you need to construct a fully managed backend is to define a schema comprising of data models, APIs, and permissions.

In this guide, you'll quickly set up a CRUD backend for a basic task manager.

The schema

Create a new file called schema.keel in the project root directory and insert the snippet below:

model Task {
    fields {
        description Text
    actions {
        create createTask() with (description)
        get getTask(id)
        update updateTask(id) with (description)
        delete deleteTask(id)
        list listTask() {
            @orderBy(createdAt: desc)
        actions: [create, get, update, delete, list],
        expression: true

The schema above creates a Task model with a description field and some actions that let you interact with tasks over the API.

💡 All models have id, createdAt and updatedAt fields by default.

By default, your Keel APIs are secure unless you explicitly define permission rules to access them. For this example, the API permission is set to be accessible publicly (e.g., without auth) by setting a permission rule that always allows access using the expression: true. Learn more about permissions in its dedicated page.

From this schema, Keel will create a fully managed API that can be used via JSON endpoints or GraphQL.

Keel supports running a local instance of your backend with Docker and a cloud instance on the Keel console.

Running your backend locally

Ensure Docker is running.

docker ps

With Docker running, you can run the backend using the Keel CLI.

keel run

You should see a success message on your terminal and the API endpoints.

Deploying your backend to Keel

Sign in to your GitHub account, create a repository, and copy the corresponding Git URL.

With that done, create a project on Keel by going to (opens in a new tab), select the Existing code option, input details, authorize GitHub, and select the repository you just created.

Next, add the Git remote URL to the Nuxt project.

git remote add origin <REPLACE WITH COPIED URL>

With that done, push the code to the repository by running the commands below:

git add .
git commit -m "keel backend deploy"
git push origin main

Once the repository is updated, Keel will use the schema to build and deploy your backend. In the Keel console (opens in a new tab), navigate to the API explorer tab to see all your actions appear as API endpoints.

Integrate Keel with Nuxt

To use your Keel APIs in your Nuxt project, Keel can generate a fully type-safe API client based on your schema using the Keel CLI.

keel client .

With that, you should see a keelClient.ts file at the root of your project.

Create a Keel client

A best practice with Keel when using the client on the server side is to create an instance of a Keel client per request to keep things isolated between requests.

This is because clients are stateful and contain an access token as part of their instances. If we share clients across server-side requests and requests may service distinct clients if a serverless function is warm and reused, then that presents a risk of leaking tokens between requests. Thus, it's safer to create clients and associate access tokens per request.

Create an app/utils/createClient.ts file to create and return a Keel instance.

import { APIClient } from "../keelClient";
export const createClient = () => {
    const config = useRuntimeConfig();
    if (!config.public.keelApiUrl) {
        throw new Error(
            "NUXT_PUBLIC_KEEL_API_URL environment variable is not set."
    const client = new APIClient({
        baseUrl: config.public.keelApiUrl,
    return client;

Next, update the nuxt.config.ts file to define a runtime configuration the application will use to load environment variables.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  devtools: { enabled: true },
  runtimeConfig: {
    public: {
      keelApiUrl: "",

Finally, create a .env file in the project root and add the Keel API root. Make sure that the URL should end with just /api.

# Using Keel locally

Build a task management app

With the APIs running, let's show off what Keel can do in a basic task management application that supports creating and listing tasks.

Create a task

Create a server/api/createTask.ts file and add the code snippet below. This code will use Nuxt's Server Handler (opens in a new tab) to process the form for creating tasks.

import { createClient } from "~/utils/createClient";
import { Task } from "~/keelClient";
type ApiResponse<T> = {
    status: number;
    message: string;
    data?: T;
    error?: {
        message: string;
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
    const client = createClient();
    const { description } = await readBody(event);
    if (!description) {
        const emptyDescriptionResponse: ApiResponse<string> = {
            status: 400,
            message: "failed",
            error: {
                message: "No description provided.",
        return emptyDescriptionResponse;
    const response = await client.api.mutations.createTask({ description });
    if ( {
        const successResponse: ApiResponse<Task> = {
            status: 201,
            message: "success",
        return successResponse;
    } else {
        const failureResponse: ApiResponse<string> = {
            status: 500,
            message: "failed",
            error: {
                message: response.error?.message || "Internal Server Error",
        return failureResponse;

Notice how on line 2 you can import the Task type from the generated client, making your app fully type-safe.

Finally, create a components/CreateTaskForm.vue file to implement task creation using the createTask server handler.

<script setup lang="ts">
const description = ref<string>("");
const errorMsg = ref<string>("");
const emit = defineEmits();
const onSubmit = async () => {
    const response = await $fetch("/api/createTask", {
        method: "POST",
        body: { description: description.value }
    if (response.status === 201) {
        description.value = "";
        errorMsg.value = "";
    } else {
        errorMsg.value = String(response.error?.message)
    <form @submit.prevent="onSubmit">
        <p v-if="errorMsg !== ''">{{ errorMsg }}</p>
        <textarea name="description" cols="30" rows="2" placeholder="Enter task description" required
            v-model="description" />
        <button type="submit">Create</button>

Viewing tasks

To display available tasks, create a components/TaskList.vue file and insert the snippet below:

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { Task } from "../keelClient";
const props = defineProps<{
    tasks: Task[]
        <li v-for="task in props.tasks" :key="">
                <p>{{ task.description }}</p>
                    <nuxt-link :to="`/${}`">

Putting it all together

Let's wrap things up by updating the app.vue file to include the components and display all the tasks.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted } from "vue";
import type { Task } from "./keelClient";
import { createClient } from "./utils/createClient";
const tasks = ref<Task[]>([]);
const errorMsg = ref<string>("");
const fetchData = async () => {
  const client = createClient();
  const response = await client.api.queries.listTask();
  if ( {
    tasks.value =;
  } else {
    errorMsg.value = response.error.message;
const handleTaskCreated = (createdTask: Task) => {
onMounted(() => {
        <create-task-form @task-created="handleTaskCreated" />
          <p v-if="errorMsg !== ''">{{ errorMsg }}</p>
          <p v-else-if="tasks.length === 0">No tasks yet!</p>
          <task-list v-else :tasks="tasks" />

Once completed, run the local server with the command npm run dev and test it on a browser using localhost:3000.

Next steps

Congrats, you have successfully set up a Keel-powered Nuxt application! You can extend the application further by adding custom CSS and support for updating and deleting tasks.

Check out the examples repository (opens in a new tab) with several real-world examples of using Keel with various frameworks and libraries.