Team Model

To build out the Team model for the application, we need to consider that based on our application requirement, a user can be part of a team or not, a Team can create or own a document. We can define the Team model like so:

model Team {
    fields {
        name Text
        description Text?
        members TeamMembership[]
        documents Document[]
	actions {
        get getTeam(id)
        list listTeams() {
          @where(ctx.identity in team.members.user.identity)
        delete deleteTeam(id)
        update updateTeam(id) with (name?, description?)
        actions: [get, list, update, delete],
        expression: ctx.identity in team.members.user.identity

The model consists of fields name with a type of Text which holds the name of the team, description which is optional but holds the team’s description, the members and document fields holds the TeamMembership and documents models respectively. We have also defined CRUD operations for the model get, list, delete and update. We won’t be creating a team with this Model, instead we’ll be doing that in the TeamMembership model.

We have also set the list action to be carried out by a user with an existing Identity in the identity array hence the @where{} condition. The @where{} condition helps us filter through the results of the action and make sure we’re only pulling teams where the user is also a member.

Finally, for permissions, we defined all the actions in our model in an array with the actions and expression arguments respectively. We then use the in operator to check if the authenticated identity is in the array of identities with access to the model.