Listing data

Listing data

Let's create a tool called List products by adding a simple list action to the Product model. This will display a data table with a list of all Products in the database.

As we recall, this is our full schema from the previous section:

model Product {
    fields {
        name Text
        description Text?
        imageUrl Text?
        stock StockItem[]
model StockItem {
    fields {
        product Product
        quantity Number
        location StockLocation
model StockLocation {
    fields {
        name Text @unique
        items StockItem[]

Creating a list action

Let's augment it with a list action on the Product model:

model Product {
    fields {
        name Text
        description Text?
        imageUrl Text?
        stock StockItem[]
    actions {
        list listProducts()
// Other models omitted for brevity

Now, if we git push this and deploy it to Keel, we can see the new action in the Console:

First action

However, when we try to run this action, we get an error:

No permission set

This is because Keel is secure by default and requires you to explicitly set permissions for each action. Let's do that now.

Setting permissions

In order for a Console user to be able to run any action they need permissions. If you want to just allow anyone with access to your Keel project to run an action you can use the expression ctx.isAuthenticated. If you want only certain members of your team to be able to use an action you can use roles.

model Product {
    fields {
        name Text
        description Text?
        imageUrl Text?
        stock StockItem[]
    actions {
        list listProducts()
        expression: ctx.isAuthenticated,
        actions: [list]
// Other models omitted for brevity

Now we can run the list action and see the results. Since we haven't created any entries yet, the list is empty.

List products (no entries)

Let's explore how we can create products and insert them into our database using generated internal tools in the next section.