0.397 (27 Nov 2024)

27 November, 2024

Relative time periods filters

When specifying fields that can be used for filtering the results of a list action we can now filter dates and timestamps with relative time periods, such as today, last 7 days.

For example, given the following schema:

model Post {
    fields {
        title Text
        body Text
        date Date?
    actions {
        list listPosts(createdAt?, date?)

Alongside the previously existing where filters for date and createdAt, this release introduces 3 new filtering options: beforeRelative, afterRelative and equalsRelative. These fields accept a string expression in the following format:

    attribute   value  complete          period
       v          v       v                 v
{this/next/last} {x}? {complete}? {minute/hour/day/week/month/year}

For example: next 3 days, last month, last 2 complete years

The components of the expression are:

  • Attribute: this/next/last
  • Value: a positive integer. When using the attribute this, the value must be omitted. When using next or last, if omitted it will default to 1.
  • Complete: complete - specifies if the period we're filtering by will be a completed period: e.g. last month will take in account the previous calendar month. If omitted, the period will take in a rolling month (in the case of last month).
  • Period: minute/hour/day/week/month/year - plural or singular versions are both accepted.

Alongside the expressions following the rule above, there are also a few valid shorthands:

  • now
  • today - equivalent to this day
  • tomorrow - equivalent to next complete day
  • yesterday - equivalent to last complete day


Example request payload:

        "date": {
            "equalsRelative": "this year"

The results returned will be all items with a date after or equal to 2024-01-01 and before 2025-01-01 (assuming the request is made on 22/11/2024).


Example request payload:

        "date": {
            "afterRelative": "today"

The results returned will be all items with a date after or equal to 2024-11-23 (assuming the request is made on 22/11/2024).


Example request payload:

        "date": {
            "beforeRelative": "last 2 complete days"

The results returned will be all items with a date before 2024-11-20 (assuming the request is made on 22/11/2024).

Note that these filter fields can be combined to perform more complex data segmentation; e.g.

    // retrieve all items with date >= 2024-01-01 and date < 2024-11-22 
    // (assuming the request is made on 2024-11-22)
        "date": {
            "beforeRelative": "today",
            "afterRelative": "last year"

ModelAPI & custom functions support

These new filters are also available to be used within hooks, and custom functions, e.g.:

const hooks: ListPosts = {
    beforeQuery(ctx, inputs, query) {
    return query.where({
      date: {
        beforeRelative: "this week",

The TS type used for these filters is RelativeDateString and should provide expression validation.

Time-Zone header

The API requests will now accept a Time-Zone header. The value must be a IANA time zone (opens in a new tab) string. The timezone will be used to accurately calculate the relative date periods when filtering using beforeRelative, afterRelative, equalsRelative.

curl --location 'https://my-keel-app.keelapps.xyz/api/json/listPosts' \
--header 'Time-Zone: Europe/London' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
        "date": {
            "equalsRelative": "today"

Other improvements & bugfixes

This new release comes with a few smaller improvements and bugfixes:

  • Updated go version to 1.23
  • Better schema validation for attribute arguments
  • Improved schema validation to detect duplicate API models definitions
  • @embed attribute is now correctly included in code completions

Please make sure to update your CLI by running npm install -g keel.

For any issues or feedback, please visit the support channel on our community Discord (opens in a new tab) or contact us at help@keel.so.

Thank you for using Keel!